Sunday, January 26, 2020

Legal Rights and Requirements for Children with Disabilities

Legal Rights and Requirements for Children with Disabilities Outline the legal and regulatory requirements in place for children with disabilities or specific requirements†¦ Every child regardless of age, ability and circumstance has legal rights and entitlements. A child with a disability has the right to be treated equally and fairly. Tutt R (2007) Every Child Included, Great Britain, Paul Chapman Publishing quotes ‘Every child not only matters, but matters equally’. Acts and laws have been put into place to ensure children’s disabilities are not discriminated against. Children with SEN have extra-legal stipulations that ensure their inclusion and protect them from further discrimination. These include The Equality Act 2010, which states that provision be mad e for people with disabilities to be able to access public and private services the same way an able bodied person does. Adjustments to public places should be made, such as ramps for access and wider doors. Services such as toilets adapted for disabled people and braille on signs for visually impaired children, accessible seating areas at events and amenable transport .The Special Education Needs Code of Practice provides help schools to ensure inclusion and equality. One of its most important aims is to give early intervention for children with SEN, with the best suited support. A child with SEN should have their needs met, this will normally be in mainstream school being included in the National Curriculum at a relevant level with an appropriate approach. From the 1St September 2014 all schools must adhere to this practice. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child is a document giving rights to children regardless of their needs and circumstance stating that children’s’ views should be taken into consideration when decisions are made, where possible for their education and care. Whilst the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is specifically for children with disabilities. It is aware that although they have different challenges they should still equally enjoy their human rights with non -disabled children. Article 7 outlines that the child’s best interests should be paramount and their right to express their opinions should be taken seriously. Article 31 says information must collected be collected with disabled people and shared so that a better understanding of the barriers can be overcome. Article 24 states a child should receive inclusive, free primary and secondary education within their community with quality teaching and individual support. Each country has to report to the United Nations committee showing how t hey are putting this convention into practise. These acts and bills that have been passed to protect the children are such an important aspect of disabled children and Sen children’s life. They provide good quality early intervention which will continue to help improve the long term outcome of all children. Explain why it is important to work inclusively with children with disabilities or specific requirements†¦ It is so important that children with disabilities are able to access main stream school education and be able to work alongside and with children without disability or additional needs. A child’s needs, strengths and interests should be built upon, with other children, to develop them under your care. (This is otherwise known as a child –centred approach) People’s opinions and the way they treat disabled children fall into two categories Medical Model of Disability and Social Model. The medical model sees disability as an illness to be made better. It focuses on their condition rather than the individual as a person. This labels a child as ‘sick’ instead of looking at their achievements and interests. If a setting chooses this approach they are not inclusive as they’ve chosen to focus on the disability. A social model sees that everybody is an individual with rights and feelings and this gives value to their choices .Society is responsible for the way we treat disabilities, our attitudes and behaviour determine whether we embrace and include disability into our everyday lives or we wrongly treat it like an illness. Lindon J (2012) Equality and Inclusion in Early Childhood, Great Britain, Hachette UK ‘Words matter because they are a reflection of deeply entrenched attitudes in our society’ By incorporating a child as a person with individual needs and listening to them a child will feel respected which will increase their self -worth and well- being. A child will feel safe and secure in their environment and the other family members will equally feel that they are respected too. Planning is a very important part of inclusion, if the child has a special interest in something (i.e. animals) this can be incorporated into learning bringing in resources to count, sort, describe and write about etc. It will keep the child interested and motivated to continue learning. A practitioner needs to show an understanding towards the child’s feelings and points of view and not pity as this would not be productive in any way. Thinking from the child’s point of view will enable you to adapt the setting to the individual needs of the child. Children should be encouraged to take responsibility and have independence as this gives them belief in their abilities and future skills and by watching able bodied children complete tasks they learn what can be achieved. Gaining an understanding of how a child’s disability affects them their learning would greatly help to include each different disability to ensure they aren’t excluding the child even unintentionally. A child needs to feel welcomed; this could be as easy as a smile or calling their name. All pictures should display positive images of different disabilities around the classroom to provide a positive environment. All role models need to maintain a positive attitude to make these changes and by working in an enthusiastic team inclusion can be achieved which has to be the best thing for all children. This poem written by an 8yr old girl describes how she feels about her friend in her class who cannot walk or talk and shows how beneficial inclusion is. Tutt R(2007) Every Child Included, Great Britain, Paul Chapman Publishing. Evaluate the benefits of working in partnership with parents and professionals when working with children†¦ All parents should be constantly involved and consulted when making decisions about a child with special educational needs as this enables a parent to feel they are respected and their child is valued. A parent sees their child as a whole person with interests and characteristics and not just a child with an illness or condition. They have the best source of information on the child, their personality, personal skills, social abilities and emotional state as well as their physical situation. They are also able to relay their coping techniques and what methods they use to produce results for development and behaviour. Parents have a right to contribute to the decision making according to the Code of Practice as does a child have the right to be involved in choices and preferences .This is a good idea as each child is a sensitive individual with individual needs. Having this parental partnership helps outside agencies such as Social Services , Speech and Language therapists , Doctors and Paediatricians form a clearer picture and understanding of the child they are involved with and are able to build on this knowledge to know where their child is in their learning and development to give them the best help , For example a Physiotherapist will suggest exercises to do at home , a Speech and Language therapist would devise a plan that would be implemented at school and home. A Social worker will also have a vital role in supporting a family with a SEN Child giving support and guidance where necessary and also practical help. As children with SEN are seen to be potentially vulnerable they also help with their protection and safe guarding and working closely with a family is the best way to do this. Parents will often need additional information to help support their child in the best way as this will be a new experience and learning curve for them too. Additional information would help these parents and support them in preparing them for meetings they would need to attend. A parent will also need their own personal support as this is an emotional and difficult time they are trying to cope with. They should be respected and contact should be professional but with understanding and compassion as sometimes there is unacceptance of the situation too. Each school now has to have a designated member of staff as a SENCO who is responsible for providing provision for each child. The SEN code of practice says they must ensure each child should be valued and equality and inclusion must be provided and early intervention where required. Details of the SEN policy have to be provided for parents and carers and support when required. It is so important for parental involvement to continue with all these different parties and for strategies to be worked out together for the best interests of the child. Describe how PR actioners can adapt their existing practice to support children with disabilities or specific requirements†¦ It is the responsibility of the setting or employer to make sure premises are suitable to cater for the needs of all children with disabilities, so they can participate within their school and their community. The environment is a key factor to helping support the children , access to a building is vital ,this could be achieved with a ramp , possibly a lift or simply moving a classroom to a more accessible place i.e. nearer the entrance. It is important to look at the child’s actual disability, to look what they are able and aren’t able to do. For example if a child has limited movement and in a wheelchair, to adapt the area might include changing the table layout, a door entrance widened to accommodate a wheelchair. Resources would need to be kept at a lower level (but not on the floor) and labelled so the child can reach them, maybe choosing the activities and resources they prefer at an achievable independent level. Any floor activities could be adapted for a child to do at the table and be changed to adapt a wheelchair. If a child is visually impaired you would need to make sure they have a seat at the front of the class enabling them a better view of the whiteboard and t eacher, maybe a magnifying glass. It might be possible to have Audio Description, as hearing is heightened when vision is impaired. Labels around the classroom and lots of sensory and tactile resources should be available. It might be that resources need to be in braille and assisted help required. A visually impaired child would benefit from a classroom not being changed around so they are familiar with the layout of the room and can avoid obstacles and move about safely. You need to look at a classroom from a child’s view and adapt with this mind set, it is also important for the area to be regularly checked for safety reasons and the children should be encouraged to help to understand the importance of this . All ages and stage appropriate activities need to readily available. SEN children may also need additional help with their personal care, fastening buttons and zips; these can be made easier with Velcro fastenings to encourage independence. Some children find it difficult to make their own choices and feelings; this can be helped with visual aids such as a choice board to enable a child to make a simpler independent choice or a feelings board to express their emotions appropriately. For inclusion to work the adults involved have to have a positive attitude to any changes and adaptations needed. Practitioners should ensure activities and resources are ability appropriate and meet each child’s individual needs. Positive beliefs and a passion to help the children will help build an environment inclusive to all.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Elizabeth Gaskell Essay

After Helen died things didn’t get much better. The farm workers started to look down upon him and ‘hardy waited till my father’s back was turned rated the stepson’, even his own brother looks down upon him unintentionally ‘I sometimes repeated the disparaging words I heard†¦ Without fully understanding their meaning’. This makes us feel a lot of sympathy towards Gregory and we feel sorry for him. There seems to be a close link between Gregory life and his Mother life. No matter what happens, they try to make the best of things and get on with it. Preston maintains and feeds his hatred of Gregory instead of repressing it; he ‘cherished his feeling of alienation’ he had from Gregory. He lived the save type of life as her, one of suffering and one full of sorrow, death seems like a better place for him he is along side the one and only person who loved him. Preston holds a grudge on Gregory right from the very start. But we must admire Gregory for not begrudging him or any other person who treats him badly even if they have just been nasty to him, he would ‘do a kind turn for anyone, even if they had been scolding him’. He is parallel to his mother. This helps us to warm to him as a character. Gregory is stoical and endures things with uncomplaining patience which’s helps us to admire him. Gaskell creates a character that speaks highly of Gregory. Nearly every one of the farm workers has a bad thing to say about him apart from old Adam. Gregory is sent out onto the hills as a Shepard with along with Adam who trains him. Adam is the only person apart from Gregory’s mother who has not got a bad word to say about him, but indeed praises him. This is likely to the fact that Adam was ‘almost the first person who had a good opinion of Gregory’ and even told this to his boss, Preston. Later in the story when the narrator goes missing, Gregory goes out in the thick snow to look for his half brother risking in his own life and not even thinking about it. This also seems parallel to Helen who had done similar for Gregory by putting Gregory first and looking out for him without even thinking about it. When Gregory manages to find the narrator, Gaskell makes us feel even more admiration for him. In the freezing snow, he gives his brother the Maud (woollen shawl) that he is wearing so that the narrator can stay just a little bit warmer. This makes us warm to Gregory, because of the fact he is suffering for the sake of his brother. Gaskell evokes admiration from the readers, Gregory died for his brother, and someone he barely knew and did not even complain about it. Gaskell creates a character that many of the readers may take a disliking to and manages to get ambivalent responses from the readers. Preston is described as being ‘an old bachelor†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ long past forty’ and ‘one of the wealthiest farmers thereabouts†. Helen agrees to marry him solely on that the fact that he ‘promised to take good charge of her boy, and let him want for nothing, neither in way of keep nor in education’. This almost seems a purely business agreement. He uses Gregory as an excuse in order to marry Helen. Gaskell makes our response to Preston more complex than any other of the characters; she manages to get a complicated reaction to Preston through a short story. With the other main characters, it is obvious how Gaskell is trying to portray them but it is not obvious in Prestons case. We are suspicious of him at the start. At the start of â€Å"The Half Brothers† Preston is made out to be a horrible man, but by the end of the story our feelings have softened against him. He is very impatient, he does not wait for Helen to love him ‘Perhaps love would have come in time’. Preston begrudges Gregory as child for the attention he receives from Helen. He is jealous of him, and cannot stand Helen loving Gregory more than him. Preston is dehumanised. He does not love Gregory at all, but hates him. But later on we see that Preston is humanised, ‘glad and proud his son was born’. He becomes ‘sorry for his poor wife’s state’, but still blames it on Gregory and holds him responsible for Helens death even though it is his own fault for arguing with her. After Helens death Preston honours the agreement for which they were married under, to look after Gregory. But he makes no attempt to love him, only to give him material things that money can buy, nothing emotional. Even Preston is hurting Gregory’s dog, just because it belongs to Gregory, he has a real dislike to anything that Gregory owns or anything to do with. Even Preston’s own son thinks he is to hard on Gregory ‘I believe that my father cherished his feeling of alienation to my brother as a duty, than strove to repress it’ But towards the end of â€Å"The Half brothers† Gaskell makes us feel differently towards him. There is a sense of deep regret from Preston on his deathbed about the way that he treated Gregory throughout his life â€Å"God forgive me my hardness of heart towards the fatherless child! † After his death he knows that Helen loved Gregory more and so as a sign of repentance had ‘desired that he might lie at the foot of the grave, in which, by his desire, poor Gregory had been laid with our mother. ‘ Preston is very grateful and thankful to Gregory for saving his sons life â€Å"I would have given him half my land†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ I would have blessed him as my son†. He even tries to be kind to the dog, but it won’t let him near it. Gaskell is very good at creating and holding suspense for long periods of time through the story. At the start of the story, just after Helen’s husband dies suspense starts to build up as we become worried about Helen’s future and continues to hold the suspense until she marries Preston. When the narrators gets lost, the fact that ‘night came on quicker’ makes us feel unnerved that night is overtaking him and that he may get stuck there all night. An eerie atmosphere is created which intensifies the suspense even further ‘some wild boggy moor†¦ ‘ Tautology is used to emphasis how dark it and adds to the suspense ‘noiseless expansion of black darkness’. Gaskell’s use of language also helps to create suspense. ‘Suddenly the air was filled†¦ ‘, suddenly is placed at the beginning of the sentence to show how quickly and unexpectedly the snow fell. We start to become worried for the narrator and the suspense is built up even further by the emotional language used ‘I shouted – terrible, wild shouts for bare life’ and ‘choked with tears†¦ desolate, helpless death I was to die’ – shows how extreme the situation is, how isolated and lonely the narrator must have felt. The narrator starts to give up hope and we start to feel very sorry for him and then just as all hope is gone, lassie comes to his rescue, we now see that he saved and is going to get home safely as he has been found. Just as soon as we feel relief that he has been found, there poses as even bigger problem, instead of one person being lost, there are two – the suspense is deepened even further than before. As the two try to find their way home, it is apparent that they are not going to get home and could die out there. All of this creates suspense and makes the reader want to read on to see if the pair gets home all right. The suspense reaches it climax near the end of the story. When the narrator determined to sleep and doesn’t care if he dies. When the pair realise that they can go no further, they stop as a last resort – they know that they are going to die and sent lassie back to get help. The suspense is mounted to see whether or not lassie can get back to the ranch before the pair die of the cold. Then the narrator ‘fell asleep’. We think is the end, he has fallen asleep he will die. But then a sense of relief comes over us when we find that the narrator has been found just time and survives, but Gregory is not so lucky. Through out the story â€Å"The Half Brothers† Gaskell evokes and manipulates many of our feelings. But some readers, including myself find that some of the story mawkish and trying to push at our emotional buttons in an unsophisticated way. Gaskell style of writing helps to manipulate our feelings. The way she portrays Helen’s and Gregory’s lives makes us feel a lot of sympathy towards them but we admire the way they put up with everything without complaining. She creates a character, which seems to be the bad guy of the story and evokes complex feelings for him from us. Some readers including myself may find that Preston is an horrid man and continue to think the same even when Gaskell tries to soften his image by saying that he has become ‘humanised’, but others may feel that he is a good man at heart and this is portrayed at the end of the story when he is deeply regretful. Gaskell is very good at creating suspense and makes us worried about the characters and makes us want to read on. So overall Gaskell is very good at manipulating our feelings.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

The Idiots Guide to Sat 2016 Essay Samples

The Idiot's Guide to Sat 2016 Essay Samples Through advertising, promotion, and food engineering, these businesses can help it become appealing and convenient to eat much healthier foods. Perhaps you are reluctant to find help because you were once conned by means of a scam on-line help. We offer flexible system of discounts, but in addition our discount policy that permits you to conserve money on ordering essays at one time. Thus, it's quite important to look after the phone carefully. A Secret Weapon for Sat 2016 Essay Samples Most importantly, we'll take care of every client with respect and offer personal attention from your very first enquiry. The most important point is, you don't need to wait until you find the prompt to come up with an arsenal of kinds of argument-building techniques you may use to back up your points. Only a few steps are involved. You should have all pieces of the test under control before you demonstrate your skills in their complete entirety. Lies You've Been Told About Sat 2016 Essay Samples The very last thing you would like is to need to retake the full exam, or, worse yet, not have the ability to apply to a specific college, simply because you took the exam without the essay. A standard question regarding SAT scores is whether the entire mess can be prevented by skipping the essay. Attempt to finish your SAT registration after possible, because the late registration usually needs an additional fee. The new variant of the SAT reading section differs, but nevertheless, it shouldn't be harder than the old one in the event that you know what to anticipate! The Foolproof Sat 2016 Essay Samples Strategy In spite of the fact that Score Choice permits you to pick which day's scores you send to colleges, you will not ever be able to send only some scores from a particular test day. As baffling as this might appear, it's actually invaluable. Bear in mind the combined score. Sat 2016 Essay Samples: No Longer a Myste ry Eliminate (B) because the author doesn't state that big thoughts want to break from the receiver's head, only they could if they're not given enough time to develop. These are pretty big problems, but that means writers have a whole lot of different opinions about how to speak about complex issues. The student needs to support their answer with evidence from the passage. The Sat 2016 Essay Samples Cover Up Policies are generally finalized in late spring or during the summertime. Thus, it's the ideal choice to purchase from the stores immediately. Rumors, Deception and Sat 2016 Essay Samples Have a veterinarian or expert friend demonstrate how to track down the quick. There are a lot of students in your school who intend to graduate and head directly to a number of the biggest colleges in the nation. You'll ideally wish to compose a couple practice essays before you sit for the true thing. Be sure to provide your favorite teachers enough time to compose your letter of r ecommendation. Most Noticeable Sat 2016 Essay Samples Learn more about the way the essay is scored. At our essay assistance, essays are always delivered in a brief moment. Or you are able to view 18 essays all on a single page. The essay provides you with an opportunity to reveal how effectively you may read and comprehend a passage and compose an essay analyzing the passage. However, this holiday gratitude is about you, and the way you are able to feel much better. That is why it's completely feasible to get ready for the essay beforehand. Don't worry if a number of the articles you stumble across seem long. All the information that you need to compose your essay will be contained in the passage or in notes about it. For that, learn if your preferred colleges need such essays. You'll receive a high essay scores. If you would like to practice the new SAT essay, very good news! The SSAT essay is the initial portion of the SSAT exam. Here are some sample questions supplied by the College Board. Past Papers Below are a few of the last SATs papers. Colleges which do not require the SAT Essay fall into the consider and don't consider camps. ACT makes it tough to acquire a replica of your Writing essay, but College Board includes it as part of your internet report.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Marketing Objectives Of The Marketing Plan Essay - 1691 Words

2.2 Marketing objectives As the marketing plan is in a three years term from 2011 to 2013, below a number of targets will be set for the marketing objectives in a corporate level and a product level regarding the fiber product that has been discussed in this study. In the corporate level, with the help of the promotion of the new product, the growth of revenue is expected to reach 10% compared to the 8% in the Singapore market in the last financial year. And in term of EBITDA contribution, because of the large scale of investment in the new product in term of marketing activities, the target of the Singapore market will be to maintain its proportionate contribution of around 27%, the same digit as the last year. And in the product level the most critical indicator is market share of the new product in the next important three years. The goal set for the new product according some analysis that we have above, the market share in the end of 2013 by SingTel in the optical fiber inter net is anticipated to reach around 35% after the consideration of the hyper competition in the new market. But certainly these goals need to be divided into gradual goals for each year and each month in the detailed marketing plan. 3. Marketing strategies 3.1 Porter’s generic strategy (1980) Figure 3.0 Porter’s generic strategy options (source: 2008) Michael E. Porter (1980) in his famous book â€Å"Competitive Strategy† listed out three major generic strategy options forShow MoreRelatedMarketing Objectives Of Cocoa Fruit Marketing Plan Essay2087 Words   |  9 PagesDevelop Organisational Marketing Objectives Task 1: 1) Cocoa Delights is a new and innovative company who has worked hard to puncture a hole in the gourmet chocolate industry. 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